Explore the ChurchOS® Experience
If you are new to ChurchOS, bring your team and experience a basic installation of ChurchOS. In four sessions, you will not only learn about the fundamentals of ChurchOS, you will use the core tools to develop your first Intentional Growth Plan.
Intended for: Those who haven’t yet implemented COS; Team members who haven’t been a part of an IGP; Any church staff, leader, volunteer
Advanced Engagement Pathway® Design
Take your current Engagement Pathway to the next level as you learn the latest from the field in thinking and design. You will hear both principles and practical examples of how to build a trackable Engagement Pathway the ONE will actually use, and walk away with a working prototype. The One-aware church must maintain an effective Engagement Pathway!"
Intended for: Connections / Assimilation Team Leaders; Outreach and Follow-Up Team; Care Team Leaders; Those involved in running the Engagement Pathway at their church
OneLife: A New Kind of Evangelism
Redefine your concept of evangelism, revitalize your zeal for reaching people for Christ, and reignite your relational skills as you explore simple ways to naturally engage your One in conversations that make a lasting impact. Discover a brand new, not-yet-released resource called, OneLife, a church-wide evangelism strategy specifically designed to inspire, equip, and mobilize believers to a lifestyle of effective spiritual influence. Now is the time to activate this practical, powerful outreach approach as a leadership team.
Intended for: Missions/Evangelism Team Leaders; Care Team Leaders; Executive Pastors; Any church staff, leader, or volunteer
Executive Pastors & ChurchOS® Activators
The role and needed skills of the ChurchOS Activator and Executive Pastor are closely linked. We will zero in on the core challenges of this important role and collaboratively address them. It will be led by members of the IC Coaching Team and veteran executive pastors who know what to do and how to help you lead.
Intended for: ChurchOS Lead Activators; Executive Pastors
Ministry Departments
Designed for leaders and team members within ministry departments from churches where ChurchOS is being implemented. We plan to group attendees from similar teams (Children’s Ministry, Worship, Connections, etc) and use crowd-sourcing to discover the real issues and challenges department leaders face. By the end, you will make friends, better understand your role, and practically know what to do next!
Intended for: Leaders & Teams in Kids/Students/College/Young Adults/Next Gen; Groups & Discipleship; Communications; Worship & Production; Care; Adult Ministries; Campus Pastors
Senior Pastors & Elders
Designed for senior pastors, elders, and board members leading a ChurchOS church. The One-aware, evangelistically activated church must be led by senior leadership who understand the biblical mandate of the Great Commission and how to both spiritually, and practically, lead it out. We will focus our time on these unique roles and the related topics of leadership, accountability, vision-casting, reporting, fundraising, governance, and more.
Intended for: Senior Pastors/Leaders; Elders; Board Members; Campus Pastors